Course code: HEN-1
  • Years with company: 0
  • Years programming: 7
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: C++, qml, python
  • Unit test harnesses: VectorCAST
  • Something else: I'm excited to learn any ways to improve my skills, knowledge, and efficiency.
  • Test practice now: Manual testing with hardware on my bench or in a product
  • Target system: Embedded system of several microcontrollers used to control commercial cooking equipment
  • Dev tools: STM32Cube, IAR
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: I'm not aware of any formalized coding standard
  • Function too long: -If it could be better represented by smaller functions -If it takes longer than needed in scope
  • Code reviews: Code reviews are done prior to merging any focused branch into the main branch in a repository.
  • Code time: 35%
  • Test time: 45%
  • Debug time: 20%
  • Favorite thing about dev: Bringing something new to life Solving complex problems Gaining very specialized knowledge
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Unclear requirements that cause rework Finding evidence for very elusive bugs
  • Tdd knowledge: Not much - except "write test, test should fail. Write code until test passes".
  • Why are you attending: I've heard lots of good about TDD as a practice. I'd like to learn how it can benefit my daily work.