Course code: SP-CPP-3
  • Years with company: < 1
  • Years programming: 5
  • Primary programming language: C/C++
  • Other programming languages: Python, JavaScript
  • Unit test harnesses: CppUTest, Unity
  • Something else: In my free time, I enjoy reading, engaging in various forms of digital media (video games, shows, films), exercise (particularly martial arts), LEGOs, and working on personal software projects.
  • Test practice now: Yes, but not unit tests.
  • Target system: Generalized I/O systems, capable of running various peripherals.
  • Dev tools: VS Code, some kind of Terminal, some Eclipse-based IDEs for platform-specific development.
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: MISRA-C
  • Function too long: When it eclipses 100 lines and has multiple instances of repeating code.
  • Code reviews: We don't conduct code reviews.
  • Code time: 20
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 60
  • Favorite thing about dev: I enjoy solving simple to complex technical problems and applying an elegant, simple solution.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: I don't enjoy working within a codebase that doesn't apply software development best practices.
  • Tdd knowledge: I've read James Grenning's TDD book a couple times and have tried implementing it once or twice.
  • Why are you attending: I would like to practice my TDD skills more and apply it to my work from the bottom-up.